Joy Creek Nursery Garden – Photo by Alyse Lansing
Read my guest Blogpost on the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon website on Layering the Garden
Joy Creek Nursery Garden – Photo by Alyse Lansing
Read my guest Blogpost on the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon website on Layering the Garden
Migration season is in full swing with peak bird migration beginning in less than a week!
*We are asking both buildings and residences to **commit to reducing any unnecessary overnight lighting from September 19-October 19 during peak fall migration* to help keep the millions of birds who will be passing through our airspace safe on their migration journeys!
You can help by *turning off any unnecessary outdoor lighting from 11 pm to dawn all month long. *You can also turn off interior lights in unoccupied rooms or close blinds or drapes to reduce light spill, and if you work in a building that is illuminated at night, please pass this on to your facilities managers!
You can also watch https://aeroecolab.com/oregon or watch Portland Audubon’s social media channels for Red Alerts on peak movement nights and share these on your social media!
Reducing skyglow is a collective effort, and this is an opportunity to reduce energy usage, reduce electricity bills and work together to keep birds safe on their migratory journeys!
Please turn your outside lights off, draw your blinds, and tell your friends too!
The peak of migration in Oregon is from April 15-May 19, and turning off our unnecessary overnight lighting during this time is an easy way we can help keep our warbler, thrush, grosbeak, sparrow, tanager and finch friends safely on their northbound journey!
You can follow Oregon migration alerts here: https://aeroecolab.com/oregon
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