Read what some of my clients and contractors I have worked with over the years have to say about me and my skills.
Plant it and Forget it: Tips for Enjoying Greenery with Little Effort

Read this article by Janet Eastman on Oregonlive that talks about my way of interviewing clients to help them achieve low maintenance goals … [Continue reading]
Layering the Garden
Read my guest Blogpost on the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon website on Layering the Garden … [Continue reading]
Pauline, Vancouver, WA
"It seems impossible that this time last year I had a steep, ugly, grassy bank in front of my house. Now I look outside and I can't believe the transformation. It is beautiful in every season, and is appreciated not only by our family, but the … [Continue reading]
Laura S., SW Portland
"We really appreciated your ability to listen to our ideas, temper them with a dose of experience and reality, and understand our priorities." … [Continue reading]
Jeri H., SW Portland
“You are such an inspiration. And what fun to see our yard through your eyes and to renew our appreciation for what we have. We’ve already started doing some major pruning and the yard looks more open and has more definition. It was such a treat to … [Continue reading]